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Recreation Committee Minutes 2014/06/10
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2014

Erica Belisle, Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari, John Augustine, Matt McNally, Tanner Royce, Maria Fair, Paul Skarin,  Scott Blewitt.
Next meeting:
July 8, 2014 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Minutes: Minutes read. Maria; motion to accept, Mike; Seconded All were in favor.

  • Newsletter: Scott wanted to update
  • Almost Complete 12-14 pages
All big events are in it
Should be ready in 2 weeks, Scott will e-mail a proof before press.
Same amount of copies to be made as last year 3500.

  • Veteran’s Field Update -  Hydro seed
  • Green Acres hydro seeded in the fall and it is under warranty
  • Both Scott Blewitt & Scott Hazleton have reached out to get them to come and re-seed.
Date was set for last month and they did not show.
Many e-mails back and forth. If the company does not show up by this Friday then an alternate plan has been made and it will go into effect.
  • There was a question about rocks on the field, it is normal to have some small rocks in the loam..
  • The plan is to make sure that the field is ready for soccer in the fall.
  • Baseball:
  • Scheduling & field conflicts brought up by Charleen
  • Charleen was not informed by the league and a Minors game was set to play a playoff game on Dewey field when the Rookie teams were scheduled to play a regular season pre-scheduled game. What can we do in the future to avoid these problems?
  • There will be a post season coaches meeting to address all season problems and concerns 
  • Coach Contact Info being available to all coaches
  • Season Complaints & issues
  • Follow up with age cutoff discussion
  • Enrollment – dealing with late enrollment – should we have sign-ups for multi-sport? Maybe a sign up for all 3 seasons of rec sport at the same time? (Idea by Corey Flint)
  • Maria - Motion to do a trial year of a package deal for 3 Rec Sports Fall/Winter/Summer reduced fee of $65.00 as long as it is done by Sept 1st. If you sign up for 2 sports cost is $45.00. This is non-refundable. Mike – Second. All were in favor. Corey Flint Activities Bundle
  • Baseball Numbers
  • 3 Rookie Teams 9 kids each
  • 2 Minors teams 12 kids each
  • 2 Majors teams 11/12 kids
  • 1 U-10 Softball 15 kids
  • 3 T-Ball teams 10 kids each
  • 4th of July:
  • So far $1500.00 in donations Update will go out this week
  • Watermelon race will be held on Burkehaven Hill, All safety precautions will be taken.
  • Scott wants to do flares for “Flare Night” July 4th. Pickup will be at Dewey Beach.
  • Basketball Hoops:
  • Have arrived but other items have taken precedent
  • Scott has been in communication with Brandon Flemming – is he still doing the project?
  • The court will be re-surfaced after July 5th.
  • Dewey Field Building:
  • Can we fix the donated building? Yes, cost is about $5,000.00   
  • Motion – Charleen Have Craig Heino work on the building when time allows. Second- Maria. ALL WERE IN FAVOR
  • Membership:
  • Paul for another term? Willing to be Vice Chair again?
  • Motion –Maria, Mike Seconded. All were in favor
  • Skate Rink:
  • Scott will go to Selectman’s Meeting to inform them of the change in location to Veteran’s Field.
  • Sunapee Seniors:
We give $2000.00 to defray the cost of trips

  • Turkey Trot:
  • Committee consists of Christina O’Halloran, David Rowell, Charleen Osborne, & Scott Blewitt
  • Beach:
  • All is going well with new management.
  • 2 out of 3 docks are in. 3rd one going in soon.
  • Bell for Dewey Beach? Charleen sent an e-mail to Rich Hamm for an update.
  • Poison Ivy has been removed from the beach.


Maria: Motion to adjourn, Erica: Seconded, All in Favor